
Of the birds that stretch themselves to burden the Eagles, the Crows remain the most troublesome. They dare to peck on the Eagles no matter where they meet & the worst of cases is to have the Crows sit on the Eagles’ back while flying. A good dose of worrying would be the natural response — if only the Eagles were humans — but the Eagles numb the Crows’ troubles by soaring higher & higher into the skies. The idea behind the Eagles’ wisdom is that the Crows cannot survive the peak of the Eagles’ soaring. The Eagles know that the Crows will gas out of air as long as they maintain their focus of soaring higher & higher into the skies — a very comfortable situation for the Eagles. The Crows, in the end, fly away & the Eagles continue their ride towards their desired direction.
A veritable lesson to knit from this story is that in life, there will certainly be challenges that will try to weigh you down — they might even allow you get through bits & bits of successes while they await you at the peak of what you envisage as your breakthrough. The innate truth, like the Eagles, have made clear, is that you are boundless. You are so full of the required strength to attain your goals, dreams, targets & even more if only you will stay put on reaching them.
It is a pity that 75.9% of the world today spends a chunk of their lives trying to value the hearsays around them. They even go the length of icing other people’s conviction & forget that as individuals, they are enough for the height they are able to imagine. My geek friend’s WhatsApp status always reads — “become more aware of what’s worth your energy” not what describes your energy. There are too many descriptions out there & we all (sub)consciously take them all in –from friends, social media, the internet, our families or even our ugly past. I do not intend to say that being aware of the challenges around you is an absolute bad — no, it isn’t. What reads bad about paying too much attention to the challenges around you is your inability to always see the brighter side of what you possess abundantly.
A simple scenario is for to you decide to save up one thousand Naira to get a nice dairy, where you can scribble in some vital information. & you go — “I need to get this. I need to get that. This one is very important. If I don’t get this one too, they will talk. I don’t have what it takes. Do I really qualify to have a dairy in the first place?”
There is no clear pathway to succeeding in life outside knowing where you are going & all you need to be there. If the dairy will be a part of what you need to achieve your goal, dream, or target — you just get it first. Then, study how things will fall in place later. The reaction of life towards determination is a shielding reality, that is, as you keep on progressing towards the mark, the assumed bridges begin to merge themselves naturally. A flashback to the Eagles’ story shows us that as the Eagles’ steadily continued to soar towards their peak, the Crows naturally fell off- there wasn’t a need for the Eagles to bother themselves about how many bites they sustained or what the weight of the Crows were while they sat on their backs. Getting to the peak was primary for them & should be the same for you too when you begin to have your challenges dine with you in your walk with God, workplace, academics, marriage, relationships & whatever it is you can imagine. The Peak is the most important & a blunt truth is that only a few get there.
Yes, this is a decision you have on a platter.
You have to decide to soar higher & higher into your goals, dreams, targets & lots more today knowing that your challenges will merge themselves into a beautiful story that will inspire you, your generations & those coming afterwards. SOAR!