Recognize, Exercise & Create Your Reality.

Faith is not a hamburger to be shared between just two friends or close relatives; it is a global reality that has to be experienced by everyone consciously.
To have faith is to believe that what exists doesn’t need to be seen before it does exist. Faith is the reality that surfaces before you look through the frames of your physical evaluations of reality. When you say you have faith in something, what you mean is that you are confident in the reality of what isn’t that already is.
Your mind is the seat of faith & absolute trust in this is what matures the wonders you daily seek.
The scripture in Hebrews 11 explains faith as what cannot be seen but is believed to exit & hope for. It doesn’t paint a picture of vagueness; no, faith isn’t an abstraction or illusion.
Faith is the truth you have come to live by & are ready to hope for. You necessarily do not have to have the elaborate details of what is it you believe will happen, all you must have is the knowledge that as long as you can believe it, you can receive and have it. It is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
Meaning, you believe to receive that which is not seen. It is important to state that the act & art of creation or invention is a product of faith.
There is nothing invented or created outside the faith, it takes believing that what needs to improve the earth, education, environment, business & etc. exists somewhere before mind-storming or brainstorming about the values & what it will take to produce such thing.
The process of faith is far from assumption; it is definite in purpose, that is, whatever you believe, you believe for a definite reason. This means that your faith is never isolated in itself, there is always a purpose attached to it.
It simple to say that you have faith each time you are faced with titanic-sized challenges but how do you feel or consider the subject of faith when it comes to tiny challenges your salaries or pocket monies can easily purchase?
It simple, a man of faith in little things is empowered for greater fits while he whose faith is only propelled by large things will someday fall back to being faithless when the big challenges refuse to culminate.
This is typical of the contemporary believer who thinks that exercising faith in a crowded space is more impressive than holding on to faith when drinking a glass of water. A major explanation for this misjudgment is owing to the fact that you have so much underrated the casualness of a habitual faith system taught us through nature.
You really don’t fancy the faith-inflicted truth behind walking, jumping, falling, rising, singing, running, laughing, hugging, dancing & all the little deeds you engage in the course of living your daily life.
You have become so accustomed to seeing the exercise of these acts as normal & therefore, scale up your preferences for what should count as faith demanding or not.
Faith mustn’t be so big before it is validated. No wonder, Christ emphasized that if your faith is as small as the mustard seed you will tell the mountains to move & they will obey you.
The anchor here isn’t the magnitude of what is in view, what counts is the authenticity of your belief.
A faith brooding soul is a reality yielding individual. There is no command outside the frames of belief neither is there a proof of reality outside the exercise of belief.
The simple analogy is, I believe & therefore I am; I don’t believe & therefore I am not. I personally acknowledge that I too haven’t been too fervent in recognizing that it takes faith to get moving in life on a daily basis, it’s been a journey of discovery for me.
The good, the bad & the ugly moments have brewed me into a man of faith & with this, I am sure to conquer every challenge around me. There is no need to ask if you can also retrace your steps towards being faith-filled again, it is evident in the very sight accompanying the eyeballs you are using to read this – everything is faith-filled, you just need to recognize it, exercise it & then, create your own reality as you have been divinely designed to.