Nutritious Additions to the Body: Milk and Meat
In our faith work, we must realize that it takes a certain level of grinding in the spirit and in self-awareness to assume core postures that mature our thought processes.
Both the "meat" and the "milk" as referenced by Apostle Paul (I Corinthians 3: 1-3) are nutritious additions to the body but the processes by which they react are plainly different.
The milk is liquid and therefore dissolves (or mixes) quickly in the stomach unlike the meat that has to go through levels of degradation. This is similar to the subject of leadership wherein service precedes influence and not the other way round.
This symbolic teachings of Apostle Paul is so germane to the body of Christ in this age because too many believers are full of themselves. Many forget the need for being subjected to processes. All they dream and concieve is how to scale the hard times so as to sit in the most pleasurable periods.I also will clear to state that pleasurable moments are not bad in themselves, they are needful but in the context used, process is what precedes refinement.
I hope as you walk through your unique experiences as a beliver, you are able to pick out inherent lessons about you being a reflective being. This is Creator's design for you (Genesis 2 and 3).
Also, the metaphoric love of many for "meat" in place of "milk" symbolically address the carnal disposition of believers (leaders) wanting to feed at all cost while they unconsciously grow blind to those they are feeding.
It is important to state unapologetically that not every member of the fold deserves meat, no matter how good it taste. Similarly, the conclusion is applicable to milk too.
Not until we are prefectly able to discern that which is best for us, living truly as replicas of God on earth will continue to be a farfetched scheme.
I just keep praying for the grace of discernment for all the leaders and believers across the world. This grace is essential to fullying maximizing the intention of God for this time and age.